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Origami Design Secrets : Robert J. Lang

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This is a great book for those of you who are accustomed to folding lower intermediate to complex models or designs. It has got loads of designs and techniques and Robert Lang has also described several methods in folding which are “scientific” in nature. The book has over 500 pages, covers topics, and folding patterns to the following:

Folding Instructions to: -
  • The Stealth Fighter, Snail, Valentine, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, Baby, Pteranodon, Goatfish, Song Bird I, KNL Dragon, Lizard, Tree Frog, Turtle, Western Pond Turtle, Koi, Pegasus, Emu, Song Bird II, Orchid Blossom, Alamo Stallion, Bull Moose, Black Forest Cuckoo Clock and the African Elephant.

Techniques: -
  • The Splitting points, Grafting, Pattern Grafting, Tiling, Circle Packing, Molecules, Tree Theory, Box Pleating, and the Hybrid Bases.
This book makes a good addition to any library and is a ‘must-have’ if you dabble in origami. The most famous models/designs in this book are the Western Pond turtle, which is known for its intricately patterned shell and the amazing Black Forest Cuckoo Clock, which is beyond imagination. The level of detail, which has been thought of in designing these models, is totally mind blowing.

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