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Middle School Origami Projects

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Middle school children enjoy classroom activities as much as elementary students. Designing a classroom activity can be challenging and is dependent on the type of studies your class enjoys. Science, math and especially history can be made into exciting classroom activities for middle school students.

Using math as a classroom activity may encourage even your toughest students to enjoy the classroom activity. Origami--the art of paper folding--can be considered a math project that is interesting to middle school students. Encourage your students to use drawing in cartoon format that demonstrates a mathematical principle, property or concept.

Origami Student Project Guideline :
Are you a student and want to incorporate origami and paper arts into your school projects? Perhaps you are a parent and want to introduce your child to the joy of paper arts. Either way, this is the place for you. We have some volunteered in elementary schools for discovered what works and what doesn't. Below is a list of origami and paper projects which we teach to 3rd graders through 12th graders. To read the Origami Project Guideline Click Here

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